The educational offer vs job market demand in the opinion of higher vocational schools graduates
Journal Title: International Journal of Contemporary Management - Year 2013, Vol 12, Issue 1
Current socio-economic changes in Poland and broadly understood technological deve-lopments are the source of transformations in the educational system, and at the same time in the perception of education by society. It is impossible to build a knowledge based society without an education system adjusted to contemporary requirements. This ‘adjustment’ is a strategic issue in all European countries. Education is also the source of – as is so important nowadays – competitiveness and innovation. Education is also the key to contemporary crises and fears. Education of future generations is oriented towards active development and updating individual knowledge on a lifelong basis. Appreciation of the importance of the relationship between the training of tourism pro-fessionals in higher vocational schools and the needs of employers results from the impor-tance of education for economic development. Building a knowledge based economy and transforming society into a knowledge society are the priorities of the Lisbon Strategy. Reali-zation of the defined tasks creates the need for a definition of goals for education and a long-term coordination between the job market and education institutions to avoid training which could potentially lead to higher unemployment.
Authors and Affiliations
Monika Łęska, Marek Kuźmicki
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