The Effect of Commodity Volatility Indexes and FED Fund Rates on the Stock Market Indices of Developing Countries
Journal Title: Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi - Year 2019, Vol 21, Issue 81
In this study, the impact of commodity prices and capital inflows on the stock markets, which is from the fundamental variables influencing the economic and structural problems of emerging markets, has been investigated. The relations between variables were analyzed using Johansen Cointegration Test, Vector Error Correction Model, Wald test and Variance Decomposition technique respectively. A long term relation among to the related emerging markets stock indices and Gold Volatility Index (GVZ), Oil Volatility Index (OVX) and Fed fund rates were detected. It is determined that GVZ and OVX individually or together affect stock market indices and FED fund rates didn’t seem to have significant impact on these stock indices. It can be specified that stock market indexes are more affected than GVZ. In general, some part of the variables are defined such as importance to the emerging market economies to develop policies to respond to fluctuations in the commodity prices and the changes in global liquidity.
Authors and Affiliations
Çiğdem Kurt CİHANGİR
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