The Effect of Marketing Strategies Construct on Firm Performance: Results from Pilot Survey

Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2017, Vol 3, Issue 4


The difficulties that face small and medium organization in any field are severe nowadays. The importance of SMEs is vital. Different researchers have proposed different success factors for small and medium organization, like finance, skilled workforce, technology, innovation and most importantly marketing. Marketing is the spine of any organization, through marketing firms bring innovation, awareness of competitors, awareness of products, building relation with customers. A good marketing strategy increases the sale of product for sure. The small and medium organization face difficulties in doing marketing, because of limited finance, limited or unskilled staff, unawareness of marketing strategies, no or less use of media. This paper presents the pilot survey result for the study of effect of marketing strategies construct (entrepreneurial, guerrilla, relationship, ambush, viral and niche marketing), on firm performance. Descriptive statistics, normality, reliability and preliminary factor analysis (EFA) test were run, all the data were presented in tables below. The result shows that all the questionnaire were normally distributed, and the outcomes are all normal.

Authors and Affiliations

Fazal Akbar, Abdul Razak Bin Omar, Fazli Wadood, Rosmaini Bin Tasmin


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  • EP ID EP172034
  • DOI 10.22178/pos.21-5
  • Views 74
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How To Cite

Fazal Akbar, Abdul Razak Bin Omar, Fazli Wadood, Rosmaini Bin Tasmin (2017). The Effect of Marketing Strategies Construct on Firm Performance: Results from Pilot Survey. Traektoriâ Nauki, 3(4), 1-7.