The Effect of Temozolomide Dose and Erythropoietin Combination On Survivin Gene Expression in Human Glioblastoma Cell Lines

Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2012, Vol 29, Issue 3


Glioblastoma (GBM) is an aggressive primary brain tumor and it is known that prognosis is poor. Because of the infiltration of the tumor cells to the whole brain tissue, surgery is done for decompression and for histopathological diagnosis. Radiotherapy is mandatory after surgery but survival period is not sufficient. In recent years there are many researches for chemotherapeutical agents to use for treatment of GBM but most of the results of the researches are controversial. Temozolomide (TMZ) is a new agent which is effective in prolonging survival of GBM patients. Erythropoietin promotes red blood cell maturation and used to prevent or treat anemia. It is also known that EPO has neuroprotective effect. In this study we used GMS-10 human glioblastoma cell lines. We applied TMZ with different doses and TMZ + EPO combination to check the efficacy on the survivin gene expression in human glioblastoma cell lines. As a result we observed that increasing the dose of TMZ and combination with EPO results over expression of survivin gene which means drug resistance.

Authors and Affiliations

Arif Osun, Zubeyde Erbayraktar, Serhat Erbayraktar, Ali Samancioglu, Zeynep Zadeogullari, Serpil Akhisarlioglu, Derya Ozgun


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How To Cite

Arif Osun, Zubeyde Erbayraktar, Serhat Erbayraktar, Ali Samancioglu, Zeynep Zadeogullari, Serpil Akhisarlioglu, Derya Ozgun (2012). The Effect of Temozolomide Dose and Erythropoietin Combination On Survivin Gene Expression in Human Glioblastoma Cell Lines. Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish, 29(3), 518-526.