The Effect Of The Attitudes Of Students Receiving Accounting Education Towards The Accounting Profession On Intention To Work In The Sector
Journal Title: Muhasebe ve Finansman Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 19, Issue 76
Businesses that are continuing their activities in severe competition environment need certain information and statistics to be able to survive and provide competitive advantage. The way to reach this information is to have a good accounting system and qualified accounting employees. Qualified accounting employees are trained in the Faculties or Vocational Schools of universities. This study was carried out in order to determine the attitudes of students receiving accounting education at the associate degree and undergraduate levels towards the sector and to reveal the effect of these attitudes on intention to work in the sector. As a result of the analysis of data obtained from 960 students, six factors affecting students' attitudes towards the accounting field were obtained. Among these factors, the person-sector harmony was determined as the most important dimension affecting the students' intention to work in the sector.
Authors and Affiliations
Oğuzhan Çarıkçı
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