The effectiveness of cooperation in the team game (pragmatic study of unique cases)
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2011, Vol 21, Issue 55
[b]Aim of the study.[/b] To present the possibility of measurable identification and justification of the importance of synergism in the performance of absolutely interdependent actions in team sport games.[b]Material and method.[/b] Based on the video record, a pragmatic comparative study of player cooperation effectiveness in club teams, including in basketball the Orlando Magic and Los Angeles Lakers and in football FC Barcelona, as well as in national representatives, including Brazil, Russia, and Serbia in volleyball.[b]Results.[/b] The results obtained allowed identification of various dimensions and levels of synergism in the team game including: the effectiveness of collaboration among selected players in the positioning of offensive actions and in creating scoring situations, as well as the effectiveness of performing combinations (variants) in the creation of scoring situations and in the positioning of action in the game.[b]Conclusions.[/b] The results obtained enable formulation of the conclusion that the evaluation of the effectiveness of double and triple collaboration may concern both the dimension of the synergy for example the synergic potential of the players, as well as the level of synergy resulting from the level of synchronization and coordination of actions absolutely dependent on each other. Synergic perception of collaboration effectiveness, accepted by the players, favors the development of added value in the team, for example task consistency and as a consequence also emotional consistency, as well as a new quality for example the combination of actions that we cannot analyze in an individualized dimension.
Authors and Affiliations
Ryszard Panfil
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