The effectiveness of therapeutic massage in painful shoulder syndrome
Journal Title: Medical Science Pulse - Year 2014, Vol 8, Issue 1
Introduction: The chronic painful shoulder syndrome comprises the set of symptoms located in the area of the shoulder girdle and all the structures which make this complex, namely, the scapula, the clavicle and the arm. The complexity of the structures, which make up for the shoulder girdle, results in frequent dysfunctions as the abnormality in functioning of only one element can lead to the problems with the whole structure. Pain and limited joint mobility are the most frequent symptoms. The dysfunctions of the shoulder girdle limit the patient’s independence and evoke mental and physical discomfort which decrease the quality of life. The syndrome often occurs as a main disorder but in many cases its symptoms coexist with other diseases. The purposeof the work was to present the possibility of application of therapeutic (tensegrity) massage in the chronic pain shoulder syndrome.Material and methods: This article presents the process of massage application to different muscles of the shoulder in the appropriate order, which is called the therapeutic (tensegrity) massage. The purpose of the massage is to decrease the tonus of the muscle and increase the blood flow which ought to result in restoring the shoulder function. Six 45–minute-long massage sessions were performed and repeated every three days.Results: After the therapy, the decrease of painful shoulder was observed along with the vanish of the shoulder and the arm lifting habit. After this massage period, when the pain was smaller, the patient immediately wanted to continue physiotherapy.Conclusions: Massage is one of the forms of therapy, which can be used in the painful shoulder syndrome. It might often constitute the introductory stage to the rehabilitation aimed at mobilization of the patient.
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