The effects of competitive stress upon biological and emotional-affective reactions at the level of athletes specialized in semifond-fond events
Journal Title: Gymnasium - Scientific Journal of Education, Sports and Health - Year 2011, Vol 12, Issue 2
The identification of stress in sport performance and its effect on obtaining results of value in semifond-fond athletic events were required and still require specific research conduct. The growth in the expression of affective-emotional states before a goal competition of athletes who specialize in long and medium length running events may be accompanied by real changes, in biological plans, of the specific parameters of reactions to stress. These changes may be viable guidelines in designing the plan to address further the future goal competitions. This research was based on the possibility of formulating the correlation between blood tests and profile of affective-emotional states of nine professional athletes, specializing in long and medium running events, the results revealed possible correlations between the biological and the psychological component.
Authors and Affiliations
Cristina Ioana ALEXE, Stjepan HEIMER, Alin LARION, Dan Iulian ALEXE
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