The Effects of Motion Artifacts on Self-Avatar Agency
Journal Title: Informatics - Year 2019, Vol 6, Issue 2
One way of achieving self-agency in virtual environments is by using a motion capture system and retargeting user’s motion to the virtual avatar. In this study, we investigated whether the self-agency is affected when motion artifacts appear on top of the baseline motion capture data assigned to the self-avatar. For this experiment, we implemented four artifacts: noise, latency, motion jump, and offset rotation of joints. The data provided directly from the motion capture system formed the baseline of the study. We developed three observation tasks to assess self-agency: self-observation, observation through a virtual mirror, and observation during locomotion. A questionnaire was adopted and used to capture the self-agency of participants. We analyzed the collected responses of participants to determine whether the motion artifacts significantly altered the participants’ sense of self-agency. The obtained results indicated that participants are not always sensitive to the motion artifacts assigned to the self-avatar, but the sense of self-agency is dependent on the observation task they were asked to perform. Implications for further research are discussed.
Authors and Affiliations
Alexandros Koilias, Christos Mousas and Christos-Nikolaos Anagnostopoulos
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