The efficiency of complex application of vermiculture and biological products Baikal, Vostok, Tamir for soil purification from fuel oil
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 10
Technology has been developed for the recultivation of soils contaminated with fuel oil in Western Siberia using microbiological preparations and earthworms. Earthworms have great potential for removing hydrocarbons from the soil. The results allow evaluating the effectiveness of bioremediation of polluted soils. The method of cleaning and restoring the ecological functions of substrates contaminated with fuel oil and other petroleum products was that the substrate was treated with biologics, spent soil treatment was carried out and steamed for one month, then the earthworms were applied. In the process of soil recultivation, the drug Tamir together with the earthworms of E. fetida proved to be well proven — the effectiveness of 80–82%. The drug Vostok had low efficiency of reclamation with all types of earthworms.
Authors and Affiliations
S. Chachina, E. Chachina
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