The End of the Slovak Army Epic on the Eastern Front and the Change of the Romanian Strategy towards Bratislava
Journal Title: Codrul Cosminului - Year 2017, Vol 23, Issue 2
This analysis considers the way in which Romania managed the more and more complex relations within the Axis during the year 1943. At the beginning of the year, the military situation on the Eastern front had changed substantially. Germany's defeat at Stalingrad had changed the relation between Germany and its allies. The tension between Germany and Romania, on the one hand, and between Slovakia and Hungary on the other hand, would also mark the relations within the Axis. However, the armies of the three allies continued to support the German war effort. The Slovak Rapid Division participated during the year in the military defensive operations of the Crimean Peninsula. Its effort led to the erosion of the combat capabilities, especially after the disaster caused by the Battle of Kakhovka. Instead, the Slovakian army had to face an unprecedented number of defections. The Slovak soldiers moving to the enemy had forced the Germans to disband the Rapid Division, some of which being sent to the Italian front and the other to the labour force. Nevertheless, Romanian-Slovak relations continued to be good. The change in the Romanian strategy having as its main objective to restore the Transylvania’s border, will force Bucharest to maintain the best possible relations with Slovakia.
Authors and Affiliations
Radu Florian Bruja
The End of the Slovak Army Epic on the Eastern Front and the Change of the Romanian Strategy towards Bratislava
This analysis considers the way in which Romania managed the more and more complex relations within the Axis during the year 1943. At the beginning of the year, the military situation on the Eastern front had changed sub...
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