The equations of viscous thermomagnetoelaststic nonlinear medium near the wave fronts.
Journal Title: Հայաստանի գիտությունների ազգային ակադեմիայի տեղեկագիր․ Մեխանիկա - Year 1974, Vol 27, Issue 1
Authors and Affiliations
A. G. Bagdoev
A. G. Bagdoev
The solution of bending plates problem with uniformly normal load , which two opposite edges of the plate jointly supported, other two edges are free
This article is about the solution of plates bending problem with uniformly normal load, when two opposite edges of the plate jointly supported, other two edges are free is received. The problem is solved both by Kirchho...
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The piecewise linear law of relations between stresses and strains for large deformations.
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On Bending of Orthotropic Circular Plate of Variable Thickness With the Account of Transverse Shear Strains.