The European Council in view of external security and international threats to the European Union. Between idealism and realism

Journal Title: Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej - Year 2017, Vol 11, Issue 11


In order to accomplish the goals of the European Council with respect to external activities, the Treaty of Lisbon has provided a new institutional context. It is based on boosting the Euro-pean Council’s potential and ambitions. These may be realized by making use of the vast array of instruments and resources for the operations to be more effective and of a bigger strategic importance. It has been assumed that the concepts and principles underpinning the European Council’s comprehensive approach need to become the rules underlying the EU’s external ac-tivities in all areas, in particular with respect to security, preventing conflicts and responding to crises. To this end, the European Council has identified a number of specific activities to pursue in its quest to adopt an even more comprehensive approach to politics and external relations. In order to complete the task (as precisely analyzed in the article), efforts have been made to take care of all the aspects of the threats to security stemming from conflicts and external crises, from early warning and readiness through preventing conflicts, responding to them and crisis management to the early stage of getting over a crisis and reaching stability and peace. According to the European Council – as the article proves – the requirement of complemen-tary interventions in the area of external security and threats to the European Union results from new international problems on a global scale. The European Council consistently emphasizes that security is a prerequisite for the EU’s stability and that lasting peace is not possible without eliminating threats and risks. To the European Council, creating and reinforcing the political, social and economic condi-tions for stability is of key importance to security and is a prerequisite for changes to the EU’s external policy. This interdependence between security and stability plays a vital role in enhanc-ing the effectiveness of the EU’s external activities. Any country striving to ensure security and peace needs to have or acquire the necessary skills in all the important areas including security and protection. These efforts will both contribute to increased global stability and to bringing peace in a constructive way, to achieve stability and to prevent crises. In the past few years, the EU increasingly supported the correlation between security and anti-crisis stability, initiating interventions in various areas of the EU policy and resorting to different instruments. These activities include access to international instruments, a political dialogue, technical cooperation (like common scientific research and innovations) and training (knowledge transfer and development of skills).

Authors and Affiliations

Zbigniew Czachór


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  • EP ID EP311849
  • DOI 10.14746/rie.2017.11.4
  • Views 70
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How To Cite

Zbigniew Czachór (2017). The European Council in view of external security and international threats to the European Union. Between idealism and realism. Rocznik Integracji Europejskiej, 11(11), 39-55.