The evaluation of weighting factors of armored personnel carriers characteristics according to the questionnaire with usage of method of paired comparisons

Journal Title: Озброєння та військова техніка - Year 2019, Vol 22, Issue 2


The paper presents the results of evaluation of directions of increasing the characteristics of an armored personnel carrier according to the survey data using the method of pairwise comparison. A total of 88 experts were polled. For pair comparison, twelve issues have been identified that characterize the main indicators of an armored personnel carrier: security, mobility, and firepower. In addition, experts were asked questions regarding the general characteristics of APCs. The obtained values ​​of the weight ratios of the parameters of the armored personnel carrier indicate that the most important for experts are the characteristics of weapons, security (mitigation protection, protection against hand grenade anti-grenade launcher grenades, protection against balls B-32 caliber 12,7mm) and permeability. The obtained values ​​of importance of the indicators of the armored personnel carrier according to the survey data using the method of pair comparison are the basis for assessing the priorities of development of domestic armored personnel carriers and other cars of this class.

Authors and Affiliations

O. Aristarkhov, S. Bisyk, V. Slyusar


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  • EP ID EP612924
  • DOI 10.34169/2414-0651.2019.2(22).42-49
  • Views 95
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How To Cite

O. Aristarkhov, S. Bisyk, V. Slyusar (2019). The evaluation of weighting factors of armored personnel carriers characteristics according to the questionnaire with usage of method of paired comparisons. Озброєння та військова техніка, 22(2), 42-49.