The Existence of Supervision by Non-Governmental Organizations in Providing Legal Protection for Consumers with Bad Credit
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 09
Convoluted formal procedures have led to a crisis of public confidence in state institutions, this is what happens with bad credit, in fact the public prefers to take bad credit issues to complain to YLKI rather than going to state institutions that handle consumer protection. This research is intended to examine and analyze the role of Indonesian consumer foundations in providing protection to consumers with bad credit. The research method used is normative legal research which is carried out by conducting research, using library materials or secondary data. This research concludes, first, the problem of consumer protection for bad credit is that the public does not have confidence in resolution through consumer protection institutions under state institutions and through legal action in court as a litigation step. The reason is that complicated bureaucracy and the weak response of state institutions to the issue of bad credit have encouraged the public to choose YLKI to advocate for the issue of bad credit. Second, the existence of supervision by non-governmental organizations since 1970 has been able to respond quickly to consumer protection issues, especially regarding bad credit, namely through advocacy to save bad credit consumers who experience arbitrary collections. The problems experienced by YLKI are a lack of budget and the number of human resources that are unable to keep up with the volume of handling advocacy cases such as bad credit issues, causing YLKI to not optimally handle bad credit cases.
Authors and Affiliations
Uly Auliya, Darminto Hartono
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