The Experience of Legal Security for Information Security in the EU Eastern Partnership (Moldova, Georgia)
Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3
The article analyzes the experience of the Eastern Partnership countries, in particular, Moldova and Georgia, regarding legal security in the information security field. Legal issues of information security are defined on the brink of information policy and national security policy. The evidence of Georgia and Moldova in the field of information security of a person is valuable to Ukraine in view of: (1) pro-European political orientation, and hence attempts to adapt to EU legislation and standards; (2) geopolitical situation, which is associated with significant influence (including information) from the Russian Federation; (3) uncontrolled territories and the use of conflicts to undermine the sovereignty of the state; (4) unstable political and economic situation in the middle of the state. The expediency of studying and using their experience in the information security field from the perspective of improving the legal provision of relevant relations in Ukraine is substantiated. Both - positive experience as well as risk taking is seen as useful for Ukraine. In particular, the experience of Moldova regarding the danger of concentrating in a single data register. After all, today there are a number of unified registries in Ukraine, and there is a discussion about the possibility and necessity of their integration. A common approach for Ukraine and Moldova is the need to work out a strategic approach to information security. The adoption of the Law on Electronic Trust Services on October 5, 2017 became a progressive step towards the development of a democratic Information Society. However, for the implementation of its provisions, as shown by the experience of Moldova and Georgia, it is necessary to consider factors such as the relevance of services, which depends on the understanding of the end-user of these services, the potential of prevalence, which should take into account related services (payment, document management, identification), and also to finalize legislative framework for cooperation with commercial structures, potential investors.
Authors and Affiliations
Ольга Золотар, Olga Zolotar
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