Credit rating agencies (CRAs) are found to strongly influence the market participants’ decisions. Therefore it is essential to make their assessments credible and accurate. The financial crisis proved that this con...
The legal framework for establishing the interest for bank loans represents the bank lending contracts under which there are mentioned the contracting parties, the loan value, credit price, the rates term of payment of t...
EP ID EP111240
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Dumitru Mazilu (2013). The Exploitation of Shale Gas – A Grave Peril for Human Health and Life. Dezbateri social economice, 3(1),
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The Credibility of Credit Ratings
Credit rating agencies (CRAs) are found to strongly influence the market participants’ decisions. Therefore it is essential to make their assessments credible and accurate. The financial crisis proved that this con...
The issue of interest rates on foreign currency loans.A case study
The legal framework for establishing the interest for bank loans represents the bank lending contracts under which there are mentioned the contracting parties, the loan value, credit price, the rates term of payment of t...