The first leader of the Katerynoslav nobility K. Lalosh: plots to a biography through the prism of the trial


The article is devoted to the court cases of the family of the first (1784–1787) leader of the Katerynoslav nobility Kostyantyn Lalosh. In current researches there is only brief information about his military career and mention of his presence in the regional administration in the 1780s (N. Surieva, L. Tsiganenko). The research is carried out in the context of social history. Such methods as prosopography, biography were applied. The main focus is on the documents of the trial at the Ekaterinoslav chancery court in 1792. The dispute was around the inheritance of Lalosh’s deceased wife, Marfa. Two sides of the conflict were her son from the first marriage, Alexander Ostrogradsky, and from the second marriage – Nikolai Lalosh. The interests of the latter were represented by his father. The materials illustrate the plots of social, everyday history of the region, give a description of the historical and legal traditions of the Left Bank and Southern Ukraine in the last quarter of the XVIII century. In particular, they demonstrate the effect of debt securities legislation, inheritance legislation, marriage and family legislation. Mention is made about the members of the well-known families of the Hetmanate the Lalosh’s wife Marfa was connected to: the Ostrogradsky, the Pikovtsy, the Lizozuby. The case includes the unique documents: the copies of private letters, registers of family expenses and purchases. In addition to this, other cases from other judicial institutions such as the Yekaterinoslav Viceroy’s Board, where K. Lalosch tried to solve the problem of debt, property, inheritance were involved. Documents appeal to Russian imperial legislation, the norms of the III Lithuanian Statute, which continued to exist on the territory of the former Hetmanate. K. Lalosh appealed in his lawsuits to the so-called ""Little Russian law", and being of Serbian origin, Russian military personnel. The following legal concepts are mentioned as "maternal" (mother’s inheritance), "vino" (daughter’s dowry from family property), etc. All this attests to the developed and complex institute of inheritance on the territory of the Left Bank Ukraine, where Lalosh’s wife came from. Family lawsuits illustrate the process of incorporation of the nobility of the Left Bank, Southern Ukraine into the society of the Russian Empire. This happened not only through the service, privileges from the state, but also through satisfaction of property interests, unification of legal institutions. The article substantially complements the data on the first leader of the Katerynoslav nobility and his descendants.

Authors and Affiliations

Olha Posunko


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  • EP ID EP607306
  • DOI 10.15421/2611802
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How To Cite

Olha Posunko (2018). The first leader of the Katerynoslav nobility K. Lalosh: plots to a biography through the prism of the trial. Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія., 1(1), 14-22.