The formation of a temporal perspective as an aspect of adaptation to disease and treatment. Analysis based on studies of renal replacement therapy patients
Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2012, Vol 46, Issue 5
Aim. Time is an essential part of human reality. Taking into consideration existence as a mechanism of regulation, it was attempted to explain connections between the temporal perspective and some coefficients of psychological functioning of people with somatic diseases. It was based on the hypothesis that participation in therapy of an incurable disease is a factor, which may cause some changes in the way of perception of the patients themselves and the world. Method. 90 patients of The Clinic of Nephrology CMUJ and ŚLAM were examined. The following investigative techniques were used: The questionnaire of Basic Hope (BHI-2), the Scale of Acceptance of a Disease (AIS), the Beck’s Scale of Depression and the Questionnaire of Time Perception (ZTPI). Results. The conducted analyses revealed a few correlations. They enabled to establish a model illustrating the influence of coefficients of adaptation to a disease and a treatment on observing time. According to the analyses both positive and negative references to the past are connected with the intensification of depressive symptoms. Moreover, the concentration on constructive experiences was regulated by the basic hope and tendency to act according to positive stimuli. The impact of the acceptance of a disease and negative past on the quality of present feelings was shown. The domination of temporal orientation “for future” correlates with depression, the acceptance of a disease and the concentration on positive memories. Conclusions. The constellation of coefficients of adaptation to a disease and treatment is an important factor which creates observing the time by people with chronic diseases.
Authors and Affiliations
Barbara Zawadzka, Magdalena Byrczek
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