The Functions of University in a Knowledge-Based Economy and Their Implications for Students

Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu - Year 2016, Vol 71, Issue 6


Over the recent years, higher education has experienced a number of changes stemming from the pursuit of neoliberal ideology and the implementation of the Bologna Process. Emphasis placed throughout the European Higher Education Area on the employability of university graduates and their preparation for job market entry upon completion of a first-cycle program, alongside competition among higher education institutions and their embracement of entrepreneurship, are just a few of the changes that were triggered decades ago and are here to stay. It is therefore becoming increasingly important to address such questions as: how these changes have affected the functions of university, what factors determine the trends of change in Polish higher educations institutions, and what implications the transformations of universities and their functions have had for students.

Authors and Affiliations

Danuta Wiśniewska


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How To Cite

Danuta Wiśniewska (2016). The Functions of University in a Knowledge-Based Economy and Their Implications for Students. Zeszyty Naukowe Wyższej Szkoły Bankowej w Poznaniu, 71(6), 33-47.