The Government of the Czech Republic as the Chief Body of the Executive
Journal Title: Studia Politicae Universitatis Silesiensis - Year 2013, Vol 7, Issue
The constitutional system of the Czech Republic was constructed very cautiously. Most of the solutions which the system is based on today were derived from the Czech system structure functioning in the interwar period. Foreign system solutions were adopted only in a few instances. Czech political literature clearly states that the main source of inspiration for the creators of the system was the Constitution of the First Czechoslovak Republic of 1920. Both constitutions are based on the same premises and on a similar axiological system. Taking this into consideration, it is clear that the constitutional system of the Czech Republic derives directly from the classic parliamentary cabinet model, in which the parliament is the do¬minating body. However, a relatively significant strengthening of the position of the government at the expense of the position of the president is seen.
Authors and Affiliations
Maciej Borski
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