The Grant Agreement as an Example of the Concept of the Government’s Contract – the analysis of Polish and Foreign Regulations

Journal Title: Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 3


Contracts made by the Polish government were widely commented by Polish administrative law scholars. Nevertheless, these contracts have not been regulated and standardized by law as yet. Models of regulations in this area were, however, introduced in previous centuries (in XIX and in XX century) in other countries (e.g. Germany and France) and they have been practiced without any barriers since then. The opposite situation can be observed in Poland. This article present barriers which were identified in Poland. To this purpose a grant agreement serves as an exemplification of the agreement, which legal character is not specified by law. This contribution is accompanied by a comparison of German’s and French concepts of government’s agreement and Polish government’s agreements, in particular to the grant agreement (the grant contract).

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Ostrowska


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  • EP ID EP489432
  • DOI 10.12775/PBPS.2018.014
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How To Cite

Anna Ostrowska (2018). The Grant Agreement as an Example of the Concept of the Government’s Contract – the analysis of Polish and Foreign Regulations. Prawo Budżetowe Państwa i Samorządu, 6(3), 9-27.