The guality of life patients' with intestinal stoma
Journal Title: Onkologia Polska - Year 2006, Vol 9, Issue 4
Introduction: The care connected with patients with intestinal stoma is a process that must begins at the moment of taking steps to do surgery. The aim of this decision is to provide support and practicai help to the sick and their famiiies in obtaining self-care and sociai integration. For the patient suffer from cancer the most important thing is the quality of life and ways of keeping a good mental and sociai status. Objectives: The goal of this research was assessment of the quality of life patients with stoma. Different spheres patients' life were analysed the as as their functioning restriction and factors that have direct influence on quality of life. The last term is connected with a feeling of happiness in all life spheres. Good quality of life is nothing else like a subjective good frame of mind and having purpose in life. The researches were carried out in Province Hospital in Sosnowiec. The studies anonymous and voluntary. Material and methods: The studies were being carried out for 6 months from September 2003 to Feburary 2004. A group consist of 50 people with intestinal stoma, 30 men, 20 women in age between 25 to 76. In tested group 45 people (90%) are with stoma of large intestine, 5 people with stoma of smali intestine. Results: Of the patients in the linear scale, 26 people qualified themselves in the section from 8-24 points, what means of having low fear. In section between 4-6 points; 29 patients admitted of having rather good quality of life; 11 of team qualified themselves in section between 7-9 points what means of having good quality of life. There was one patient with 10 points who admitted of having a very good quality of life. However 9 patients, estimated having rather bad quality of life and qualified themselves in section between 1-3 points. Conclusions: From the findings we can conclude that 97% of the sick were properly physically and psychologically prepared to live with stoma. The stoma exteriorization in significant way effected on patients' emotional state, causing sleep and physical disorders, for instance depression.
Authors and Affiliations
Barbara Wojewoda, Jan Juzwiszyn, Sylwia Durlej, Eleonora Mess, Beata Tomaszewska, Krystyna Misiak, Iwona Biela
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