The Halal-Green Consumerism Concept in Al-Qur’an: An Analysis


Consumerism is one discipline of social science that is important in an Islamic system of life. Basically, all forms of expenditure, financial management, consumerism procedures either involving the household, office administration, institution, organization or nation needs to be planned and managed as best as possible. This is to avoid various socio-economic problems such as fraud in financial transactions, wastage, culture of huge debts and halal issues related to consumers. This is according to the capitalist economic system widely used currently, which says that consumers are rational if they maximise material utility. Therefore, in line with the halalgreen concept that exist in numerous fields and adopted universally, the investigation of the halal-green concept is crucial as it is the basic approach that designs the type of consumerism. Hence, this working paper aims to examine and analyse the halal-green consumerism concept in al-Qur’an. The question is, what is the halal-green consumerism concept? What is structure of the halal-green consumerism concept? To answer these questions, this working paper was written solely by using secondary data that were analysed using the content analysis method. The findings showed that integral features of the halal-green consumerism concept could be used to counter consumerism-ghuluw issues (to consume according to wants and instinctual inclination) in a more holistic and comprehensive manner.

Authors and Affiliations

Siti Mastura Muhammad, Mohd Shukri Hanap


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  • EP ID EP531209
  • DOI 10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i1/3854
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How To Cite

Siti Mastura Muhammad, Mohd Shukri Hanap (2018). The Halal-Green Consumerism Concept in Al-Qur’an: An Analysis. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(1), 784-793.