The healing process of tympanic membrane perforations in rats

Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2014, Vol 68, Issue 5


The aim of the study was otoscopical and histological evaluation of the rat's TM healing process. Material and methods : 56 male Wistar rats were used for the study. Fifty of them had TMs perforated bilaterally using CO2 laser, additional 6 served as a controls. The animals were sacrificed on either day 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10 post injury. Process of healing was assessed otoscopicaly, subsequently TM were dissected and processed for histological evaluation. Results: At day 6 after perforation half and on day 10 all of TM were healed. On the first day, in histological evaluation, focal thickening of the epitheliallayer was observed at some distance from the edge of perforation, on the side of annulus. On the following day proliferation of epithelium covering outer surface of TM on the side of the malleus handle and annulus was clearly visible. An eosinophilic mass containing macrophages and granulocytes was seen in front of the migrating epithelium. On day 3–6 migrating epithelium reached the edge of perforation. Proliferation of the connective tissue layer followed the epithelium. Conclusions: The present results indicate that the squamous epithelium covering the outer surface of TM constitutes the first layer which restores continuity of TM. The proliferation of the connective tissue occurs in thedirect vicinity of the proliferating and migrating epithelium

Authors and Affiliations

Hanna Zajączkiewicz, Elżbieta Hassmann-Poznańska, Bożena Skotnicka, Lech Chyczewski, Joanna Reszeć, Maria Winnicka


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Hanna Zajączkiewicz, Elżbieta Hassmann-Poznańska, Bożena Skotnicka, Lech Chyczewski, Joanna Reszeć, Maria Winnicka (2014). The healing process of tympanic membrane perforations in rats. Otolaryngologia Polska, 68(5), -.