The historical essay of the department of Pathological Physiology of Dnipropetrovsk medical academy

Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 1


The article presents historical information about the deve¬lopment of the department of Pathological Physiology of Dnepropetrovsk medical academy, about chiefs of the depart¬ment and their contribution to the development of the department from its foundation (1918) up to the present (2016). The areas of scientific research, the most significant achievements as well as changes in the provision of educational process are described.

Authors and Affiliations

Yu. V. Kozlova, M. A. Dovgal, V. V. Koldunov, G. A. Klopotskiy, A. E. Khudyakov, S. I. Khmel, V. N. Bibikova, N. S. Tryasak, O. V. Anisimova


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Yu. V. Kozlova, M. A. Dovgal, V. V. Koldunov, G. A. Klopotskiy, A. E. Khudyakov, S. I. Khmel, V. N. Bibikova, N. S. Tryasak, O. V. Anisimova (2017). The historical essay of the department of Pathological Physiology of Dnipropetrovsk medical academy. Медичні перспективи, 22(1), 146-151.