The idea of sovereignty and dignity in Blaise Pascal’s philosophical anthropology
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 1
The topic of the study is the main notions of Paskal’s philosophic and political anthropology, who was standing at the cradle of modern human philosophy as well as his famous contemporaries F. Bekon and R. Decarth. Paskal’s thoughts about the independence and dignity of a person helps to understand more deeply the issue of person’s dignity in the variety of different historic-philosophical discourses. It was proved, that the tragic motives in Pascal’s understanding of human existence, «greatness» and «nothingness» of man, outlined in аrticle, attracted the attention not only of S. K’yerkehorge, A. Kamu, Jean-P. Sartr, but also representatives of new philosophic-antropologic thought. The thesis about a human being the central core with consciousness and self-studying as a way to find the Truth and live a worthy life, has been thoroughly outlined. It is also not the only way of a human to overcome their substantial drawbacks and improving their imperfect nature. Philosophic anthropology of Pascal has both disappointment and sincere admiration of a human, their mind and a belief in their creative possibilities.
Authors and Affiliations
M. Petrenko
Материалы о Фоме Аквинском (1225 или 1226–1274) в польском и французском фондах Отдела библиотечных собраний и исторических коллекций НБУВ
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