The Ideal Leader in the Perspective of Hadith
Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2023, Vol 6, Issue 04
Changes in time affect changes in the condition of the state and society. For example, there will be elections for both central and regional leaders in Indonesia soon. Because each political party names one of its cadres as the country's top official, today's election of leaders is an incredible gambling arena. This research tries to examine the perfect leader from a Hadith-based perspective. The Al-Qur'an, Hadith, journals, and books about leadership were employed as the key data sources for this research using the inductive content analysis approach. The study results demonstrate that the definition of a leader in Islamic guidance should encompass the concept of a helper because a leader is in charge of protecting the people he leads and makes an effort to assist and save them when difficulties or disasters occur. A leader is also in charge of everything that occurs and exists in their territory and the affairs of the people it leads. A group selects a leader to guide the members toward achieving a common objective. The ideal leader is humility, the nature of being open to criticism, honesty, and trustworthiness, acting reasonably, commitment to the struggle being democratic, devoted, and serving Allah SWT.
Authors and Affiliations
Wasman Wasman
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