The Impact of construction Waste to the Environmental on Project Development in Aceh
Journal Title: BEST : International Journal of Management, Information Technology and Engineering ( BEST : IJMITE ) - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 4
The development progress in construction industries have the great effects to the environmental especially in environmental change and waste produced. One of the causes of the construction waste is natural resources use exceeding what is required in construction process. Construction material waste refers to the materials from the construction location that cannot be used for construction purposes and must be removed for any reasons.In the implementation of a building construction project, it can be avoided the residual of construction material or commonlycalled construction waste.Beside effects on the cost, construction waste also affects to the environmental. This research aims to determine the type and quantity of dominant construction waste that is raised in construction project and analyzes the impact to the environmental.The location of this case study is DPU Banda Aceh Office Advanced Construction Project in Aceh Province. The methods used for data collection are field observation and interview. Data analysis using quantitative analysis examined descriptively.The results of the research mention that the screw steel reinforcement become the highest of the waste material found during the project construction which is 39.78% or Rp. 12,848,928.99. The dominant factors of the waste material are scattered/mixed with the soil, flow with the rainy, concrete waste still available in the mixer truck, less optimal of cutting process and lost due to the careless storage.
Authors and Affiliations
Hafnidar A Rani
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