The Impact of Customers’ Perceived Security and Confidence Concerning the Use of Electronic Banking Services (Case Study: Banks and Financial Institutions of Mahabad)

Journal Title: International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 10, Issue 4


The aim of the present study is to examine the effect of customers’ perceived security and confidence concerning the use of electronic banking services in Mahabad banks and institutes. The study is descriptive and survey based on the library studies and the use of questionnaire. The statistical population comprise of all customers in Mahabad banks and financial institutes. Since the statistical population was unlimited, the sample size was determined as 384 Using Cochran formula. To study the research hypotheses, questionnaire was made. The validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by the research supervisor and the reliability was estimated as 0.7 using Cronbach alpha coefficient. To test the normality status of variables distributing, Kolmogorov-Smirnov test was used. To test the research hypotheses, regression test was employed. The results of the study showed that there was linear relationship between the perceived security and the use of users. The R square was reported as 0.472 which indicated that 47.2% of the changes dealing with the use of users. In addition, R square was equal to 0.231 which emphasized that 23.1% of the changes dealing with the use of users was influenced by the perceived confidence.

Authors and Affiliations

Samira Golabi| Department of Public Administration, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran, Masoud Ghahremani*| Department of Public Administration, Mahabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran, email:


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How To Cite

Samira Golabi, Masoud Ghahremani* (2016). The Impact of Customers’ Perceived Security and Confidence Concerning the Use of Electronic Banking Services (Case Study: Banks and Financial Institutions of Mahabad). International Research Journal of Applied and Basic Sciences, 10(4), 321-329.