The Impact of ICT on Cost Efficiency in Higher Institutions in Nigeria
Journal Title: International Journal of Computer & organization Trends(IJCOT) - Year 2013, Vol 3, Issue 7
The research work focused on the impact of ICT on cost efficiency in higher institutions in Nigeria. Primary data was used as data. The researcher designed well structured questionnaires, which was distributed and returned. Statistical tools were deployed and results analyzed. This research explored the effect of ICT usage on cost efficiency among tertiary institutions in Nigeria. In addition it looked into the cost of ICT usage in education, the challenges of ICT usage, and the importance of ICT usage in education and conditions and factors necessary for maximum effective use of ICT in education. The result of the study clearly indicated that ICT is not being used in teaching and learning and therefore has no significant effect on cost efficiency; that in the library aspect ICT is used though not well utilized therefore the library aspect to have a significant effect on cost efficiency. Though in the administration aspect ICT is being used but not well utilized it has a significant effect on cost efficiency while in academic planning and development aspect ICT usage has a significant effect on cost efficiency. The costs of developing and maintaining a school’s ICT infrastructure are significant. Annual expenditure on main taining, replenishing and expanding school ICT infrastructure may amount to millions of naira per student. ICT infrastructure costs include: capital costs (including costs to acquire new hardware and software) and recurrent costs (including costs for technical support, software licensing and telecommunications). The capital costs items for enhancing ICT infrastructure and acquiring new components include the costs of: hardware acquisition and replacement, software acquisition and replacement, new data cabling, changes to electrical wiring and equipment, environmental management equipment (including uninterruptible power supplies and air-conditioning units for server rooms), consequential building changes, new furniture and fixtures, technical staff training associated with the purchase of new components, technical staff to design and install new components and disposal of redundant equipment by environmentally friendly means.
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