The impact of immediate placement on the aesthetic outcome of maxillary anterior single-tooth implants: a retrospective study in 91 patients


Dental implant aesthetics of the anterior maxilla is mainly dependent on the architecture of the soft tissues. Aim: To evaluate the impact of immediate placement on the aesthetic outcome of maxillary anterior single-tooth implants. Materials and Methods: Data were collected from the archives of the Department of Dental Implants & Tissue Regeneration, at «HYGEIA» Hospital, during a 5 years period (2010-2014). The time of implant placement was recorded. The Pink Esthetic Score (PES) of each case was evaluated, with a maximum score of 14. Results: 91 patients were included in the study. The mean PES was 10.5. The outcome was considered satisfactory (PES ≥ 8) in 89% and (almost) perfect (PES ≥ 12) in 35% of the cases. Immediate implant placement had no im- pact on PES (p>0.05), even though it demonstrated slightly greater variability. Conclusions: Immediate implant placement does not affect the aesthetic outcome if performed by skilled clinicians.

Authors and Affiliations

Georgios KAMPEROS, Ioanna ZAMBARA, Vassileios PETSINIS, Dimitrios ZAMBARAS


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Georgios KAMPEROS, Ioanna ZAMBARA, Vassileios PETSINIS, Dimitrios ZAMBARAS (2016). The impact of immediate placement on the aesthetic outcome of maxillary anterior single-tooth implants: a retrospective study in 91 patients. ΑΡΧΕΙΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗΣ ΣΤΟΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΓΝΑΘΟΠΡΟΣΩΠΙΚΗΣ ΧΕΙΡΟΥΡΓΙΚΗΣ, 17(1), 5-11.