The impact of network communication and information technologies on the transformation of the society
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 3
This paper examines the impact of scientific and technological revolution, particularly cross-border communicative and modern information technologies, on the creation of the network society organization. Network as a new quality of social communication transforms the institutions and practices of modern society by creating a new post-classical approach to the analysis of the society. Networked organization of social life has several advantages relative to previous forms of organization (centralized and hierarchical structures). It is more mobile, decentralized, flexible and slightly modifies the methods and techniques of management. Networks are more agile and responsive to the forms of organization that can grow along with their environment, are easily coordinated systems with multiple branching nodes as points of intersecting lines. New equipment and technology embodied in the practice of social and individual life give rise to new social phenomena and their new properties. A network is the basis of the spatial structure of social life. Networked communicative and information technologies have become useful and effective as a human resource production, a produced subject, an important element of social and individual activity, an indicator of wealth and prosperity. Modern society is built on a model set by a technology system integration of processing and transmitting data. Human communication is increasingly covered by a network of technical standards that mediate all social interaction through which a person enters the networked model.
Authors and Affiliations
Vira Kudlach
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