The Impact of Religious Seminaries on Modern Sciences
Journal Title: The Islamic Culture "As-Saqafat-ul Islamia" الثقافة الإسلامية - Year 2017, Vol 38, Issue 38
Religious seminaries have always their own impact on society. Their role is not only confined to some rituals but they cover a wide range of activities of the society. Academic and scientific studies and research is also influenced by religious scholars and seminaries. These seminaries produce not only religious scholars but also scholars of modern and social sciences. In present days we can find a good number of scholars who belong to religious seminaries and they have also produced worthwhile research oriented publications. Their impacts on their relevant fields of studies are remarkable. In Muslim world teachers and scholars from religious seminaries are providing their services to the institutions of higher education like colleges and universities. This article is an overview of the impact of such scholar on society in general and on specific fields of study in particular.
Authors and Affiliations
Muhammad Hamza
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