The Impacts of Elevated Carbondioxide (CO2) on Users’ Comfort in Residential Building at Bawak-Sabo, Auchi, Nigeria
Journal Title: Analele Universitatii "Eftimie Murgu" Resita. Fascicula de Inginerie - Year 2017, Vol 24, Issue 1
This research work establishes the effects of CO2 on users’ comfort in residential building with specific residential neighborhood in Bawak Sabo as the study area. There is an existing complaint of sneezing, tiredness, sweating and headache at dawn from resident of this neighborhood documented in a medical report of a medical hospital within the community. The research is set to investigate the cause of these problems. The methodology adopted was the combination of ex-perimental-field survey and review of existing literature. Measurement of CO2 concentration was conducted in a given 10% sample population (cases). Measurement was taken in tenement and bungalow accommo-dation of varied room sizes (9.0m2 and 12.6 m2 floor area), population (one to two occupants per room) and window opening adjustment. Measurements were taken 8 hours day time and twilight with varied user activity and ventilation rate respectively. The results show that CO2 concentration was higher in rooms with larger numbers of persons. CO2 concentration was closely related to room size and density and in-creased rapidly when doors and windows were locked. Elevated car-bondixoide was low in bungalow accommodation with more numbers of window openings in comparison with tenement accommodation. Differ-ential levels of CO2 concentration have negative impacts on the users’ in ways such as shortness of breath, sneezing sweating and increased breath rate among others. It was concluded that CO2 concentration was responsible for the reported discomfort experienced by Bawak-Sabo residents.
Authors and Affiliations
Clement Oluwole Folorunso, Timothy Ohiosimuan Aigboje
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