The Impressive Factors On Functional Recovery Of The Upper Extremity In Hemiplegic Patients

Journal Title: Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish - Year 2007, Vol 24, Issue 3


The purpose of this study was to describe the association between motor and sensorial impairment, to establish the relation to age, hemiplegic side, gender and emotion in ischemic stroke and to determine the factors, influences the recovery of the upper extremity functions in the hemiplegic patients. A total of 112 hemiplegic patients with the condition that at least 6 months were left from the onset of the stroke were assessed. Sensorial and motor functions of the upper extremity were examined by using the Fugl-Meyer (FM) Upper Extremity Performance Test, sensorial function test and the Motricity Index. FM motor and sensorial scores were correlated significantly with Motricity index (p

Authors and Affiliations

Birgul DONMEZ, Salih ANGIN, Kursat KUTLUK


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How To Cite

Birgul DONMEZ, Salih ANGIN, Kursat KUTLUK (2007). The Impressive Factors On Functional Recovery Of The Upper Extremity In Hemiplegic Patients. Journal of Neurological Sciences-Turkish, 24(3), 226-233.