The incidence of thyroid cancer at thyroidectomy materials in Malatya
Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2013, Vol 40, Issue 4
Objective: Thyroid cancers are the most common malignancy of the endocrine organs. It accounts for 1% of all cancer. Environmental, genetic and hormonal factors play an important role in its etiology. The aim of this study is to investigate the incidence of thyroid cancer and types at thyroidectomy materials in the city of Malatya. Methods: The pathology reports of thyroid surgical materials, which were sent to Inonu University Medical Faculty Pathology Department retrospectively from the archives between the years January 2007 and May 2013. Postoperative histopathologic examinations of 543 cases were evaluated for 6 years period. Results: 128 (23.5%) of 543 cases male and 415 (76.5%) were female. The youngest patient was 10, the oldest patient was 89 years-old, and the average age is 48.1±15.2. Histopathological examination of 346 (64%) cases of nodular hyperplasia, 20 (4%) cases of diffuse hyperplasia, 13 (2.4%) cases of lymphocytic thyroiditis, 164 (30.2%) patient had thyroid tumors. The 164 tumors on the 57 (35%) cases benign, 107 (65%) cases were malign. As a type of cancer 88 (53.6%) cases papillary carcinoma, 10 (6%) cases follicular carcinoma, 1 (0.6%) case medullary carcinoma, 3 (1.8%) cases were anaplastic carcinoma. Conclusion: Thyroid cancer incidence is 19.7% at thyroidectomy materials in the city of Malatya and most cancers is seen as a type of thyroid papillary carcinoma. Key words: Goitre, thyroid cancer, papillary carcinoma
Authors and Affiliations
Nurhan Şahin, Özlem Üçer
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