The influence of advances in therapy and specialized care on the improvement of quality of life of epileptic women planning maternity
Journal Title: Ginekologia i Położnictwo medical project - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 36
Epilepsy is one of the most frequent neurological diseases. As a chronic disease manifested by reoccurring seizures, with primary source in brain, it can be a clinical manifestation of a number of brain disorders affecting people in every age. In Poland approximately 1.0% of the general population is affected by epilepsy. Around 0.3-0.5% of women suffering from epilepsy become pregnant and requires treatment with antiepileptic drugs. Each year this groups consists of approximately 3000 pregnant women, for which epilepsy may pose threat to health or even the life of both the woman and the developing fetus. The turn of 20th and 21st centuries has brought a huge leap in the pharmacological treatment of epilepsy. New antiepileptic drugs have created new possibilities and decisively influenced the improvement of quality of life of epileptic women who plan maternity in their reproductive age. The drugs effectively control the epileptic seizures and eliminated or largely limit the teratogenic risk of therapy. Complex care of neurologist, obstetrician, psychologist and neonatologist based on proper education and preparation of epileptic women for pregnancy, also largely contributes to the improvement of their quality of life.
Authors and Affiliations
Stefan Miller, Małgorzata Sobczak, Zofia Rebes, Piotr Woźniak, Ewa Witkowska, Przemysław Oszukowski
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