The influence of humilid on the accumulation of humin substances in biogumus


The article includes the results of the investigation of the influence of biologically active additive Humilid on the accumulation of humic substances in biohumus. The aim of the work is to study the influence of Humilid in the nutrient substrate on the accumulation of humic substances in biohumus in the process of vermiculturing. The investigation was carried out in conditions of the vermifarm LLC Natural Biotechnologies which is situated in ZaporozhyeUkraineand is a producer of biohumus, a liquid humic substance and biomass of vermiculture. Biohumus was used as an object of investigation. The nutrient substrate was a mixture of fermented manure of cattle and sunflower husks. Burts from the substrate were populated with vermiculture. The room was kept at a temperature of 21‒24 ºС and substrate humidity in the range of 65‒78 %, which corresponds to the technological conditions of cultivation. The experimental beads differed from the control ones by the presence in them of the biologically active additive Humilid [TС U 15.7-00493675-004: 2009] in the amount of 15 mg/kg of nutrient substrate, which was applied once a month. Within 6 months of vermicultutring, at intervals of 45 days, point samples of biohumus were selected from which an average sample was prepared. In the prepared samples, the amount of humic substances and pH was determined. Statistical calculations are performed using the Microsoft Excel editor. One of the indicators of the quality of biohumus is the presence of humic substances in it, which are easily extracted by water, and more complex ones, which form stable complexes and are dissolved in alkalis. It was established that within 6 months in the process of vermiculturing in the vermicompost of control and experimental variants accumulation of humic substances occurred. Using the application of Humilid by the end of the investigation, a more active accumulation of water-soluble humic substances is observed at 20,7 % (p<0,05) and more complex, in the biohumus of the experimental group by 15,1 % (p<0,01) as to control. Adding Humilide to the nutrient substrate does not affect significantly the pH change in the vermicompost as to the control.

Authors and Affiliations

A. Geysun, L. M. Stepchenko


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How To Cite

A. Geysun, L. M. Stepchenko (2017). The influence of humilid on the accumulation of humin substances in biogumus. Вісник Дніпропетровського державного аграрно-економічного університету, 43(1), 17-20.