The Influence of Miyang Tradition on Children's Learning Motivation in Coastal Areas


The research was conducted in the coastal area of Tuban Regency with the aim of analysing the influence of Miyang culture on the learning motivation of fishermen's children in coastal Tuban, knowing the factors that can affect children's learning motivation, and knowing the influence of Rumah Baca on the learning motivation of fishermen's children in Karangsari coastal Tuban. The Miyang culture that exists in three coastal areas in Tuban Regency causes an influence on the different levels of learning motivation. This research uses literature, observation and interviews with fishermen's children in the coastal areas of Tuban. About 10 informants were interviewed and the data collection process was conducted over two weeks. It shows that coastal children have different levels of learning motivation, the east and west coastal areas tend to have low learning motivation, but in the central area, children are more likely to have quite good learning motivation. Influencing factors are the environment and family support, many children have gone to Miyang to earn money. With the presence of Rumah Baca Pesisir Cerdas, one of the reading houses in Karangsari Tuban, it has an influence on students' learning motivation. Rumah Baca Pesisir Cerdas increases learning motivation with the results of data analysis of the number of students who actively participate in activities, and children dare to have high ideals and enthusiasm for school.

Authors and Affiliations

Fifti Imro’atur Rosyidah, Susilo Purwati, Fidari Fitriningtyas


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  • EP ID EP731094
  • DOI 10.58806/ijsshmr.2023.v2i12n02
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How To Cite

Fifti Imro’atur Rosyidah, Susilo Purwati, Fidari Fitriningtyas (2023). The Influence of Miyang Tradition on Children's Learning Motivation in Coastal Areas. International Journal of Social Science Humanity & Management Research, 2(12), -.