The Influence of Sharia Financial Literacy and The Use of Digital Finance On Financial Inclusion with Financial Behavior as an Intervening Variable in Halal Food MSMEs in Palembang City
Journal Title: International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Analysis - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 10
This research aims to analyze the influence of Sharia Financial Literacy and the Use of Digital Finance on Financial Inclusion with Financial Behavior as an Intervening Variable in Halal Food MSMEs in Palembang City. This research uses a quantitative approach method. The population in this research is Halal Food Business Actors in Palembang City with a sample size of 121 respondents. The data collection technique uses primary in the form of distributing questionnaires using a Likert scale. The data analysis technique in this research uses Outer Model Analysis, Inner Model Analysis, Bootstrapping, Path Coefficient. The results of this research show that: (1) Sharia Financial Literacy has a significant positive effect on Financial Inclusion, (2) Use of Digital Finance does not have a significant positive effect on Financial Inclusion, (3) Sharia Financial Literacy has a significant positive effect on Financial Behavior (4) Use of Finance Digital has a significant positive effect on Financial Inclusion 5) Financial Inclusion has a significant positive effect on Financial Behavior, (6) Financial Behavior is able to mediate Sharia Financial Literacy on Financial Inclusion as shown by the Indirect Effect calculation, (7) Financial Behavior is able to mediate the Use of Digital Finance on Financial Inclusion as shown Indirect Effect calculation.
Authors and Affiliations
Yessy Nurfitri, Rika Lidyah, Peny Cahaya Azwari
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