The influence of two-person officiating on the range of movement of the cervical spine in basketball referees

Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2015, Vol 25, Issue 70


Introduction: Basketball is the third most popular sports discipline in Poland. Officiating matches requires from the referees not only concentration and resistance to stress, but also high level of physical fitness, dictated by the intensity of the games.Aim of study: To verify the extent and mode of the influence which two-person officiating, together with seniority have on the range of movement of the cervical spine in basketball referees.Study design: The study was conducted among a group of 31 basketball referees from the Krakow, Silesian and Podkarpacki districts; an original questionnaire and a measurement record were used. The examination of the range of movement of the cervical spine was carried out with a measuring tape.Results: Before the match, the average range of the passive bend was 5.70 cm for the left bend and 5.13 cm for the right bend (p < 0.05). The average range of the active bend was also significantly greater in the case of the right bend and equalled 5.16 cm (as opposed to the left bend, which equalled 4.66 cm at p < 0.05). The average range of active body extension before the match equalled 7.33 cm and decreased to 6.89 cm after the match (p < 0.05). The average range of the left head turn before and after the match was 8.74 cm and 8.20 cm, respectively (p < 0.05).Conclusions: Two-person officiating greatly affects the range of movement of the cervical spine in basketball referees: they present lower range of movement in terms of active extension and active left turn after the match. Seniority affects positively the range of passive flexion of cervical spine.

Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Koperska, Bartosz Trybulec


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How To Cite

Barbara Koperska, Bartosz Trybulec (2015). The influence of two-person officiating on the range of movement of the cervical spine in basketball referees. Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences, 25(70), 43-52.