The Influence of Workload, Work Stress, and Work Motivation towards Five Moment Hand Hygiene Obedience for the Nurse in Muhammadiyah University Hospital Malang

Journal Title: International Journal of Social Science And Human Research - Year 2024, Vol 7, Issue 09


Hand hygiene is crucial and should be practiced consistently. Nurses who work in hospitals must do five moments of hand washing. Washing hands will prevent the transmission of diseases and microorganisms. Nurses often experience workload and work stress, especially in inpatient rooms. Lack of nursing staff and fatigue are the main factors that trigger this. With nurses' workload and work stress in hospitals, there needs to be work motivation for nurses to live healthily by complying with the five moments of hand washing in hospitals. This study aims to determine the effect of workload, work stress, and work motivation on compliance with the five moments of hand hygiene. The design of this study used cross-sectional research with a group with only one measurement time. The population of this study consisted of nurses in the inpatient room at the University of Muhammadiyah Malang Hospital. The sample used total sampling, namely all 74 nurses who were already employees in the inpatient room of the University of Muhammadiyah Malang Hospital. The percentage result of the influence of workload (X1), work stress (X2), and work motivation (X3) on compliance with five-moment hand hygiene (Y) is 57.1% (Adj R square). In comparison, the remaining 42.9% is influenced by other independent variables that were not studied.

Authors and Affiliations

Limufita Cahya Mareta, Sina Setyadi, Bambang Supriadi


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  • EP ID EP746758
  • DOI 10.47191/ijsshr/v7-i09-66
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How To Cite

Limufita Cahya Mareta, Sina Setyadi, Bambang Supriadi (2024). The Influence of Workload, Work Stress, and Work Motivation towards Five Moment Hand Hygiene Obedience for the Nurse in Muhammadiyah University Hospital Malang. International Journal of Social Science And Human Research, 7(09), -.