The Inter-University Anthropology Conference – Anthropology in the eyes of beginner researchers / Międzyuczelniana Konferencja Antropologiczna – antropologia w oczach młodych adeptów


Clifford Geertz noted that anthropology is the art of writing. Anthropological knowledge reinforces forging of one’s own field experience in the narrative about this experience. One possible form of this narrative is an academic text – but it is not the only one. It can also take a form of the exchange of ideas and discussion among anthropologists, which validates the knowledge and helps find an appropriate way of expressing it. This form of free and creative flow of ideas, experiences, thoughts and reflections has also been recognised by the students of anthropology in Poland. The need for discussion among practitioners of this discipline emerges from early field experience, acquired during a fieldwork session included in the program of their studies. Inter-university ethnographic workshops were organized as a part of ethnographic studies in Poland after the World War II, allowing young ethnographers to establish professional and social networks outside their own universities. However, the tradition of such meetings was eventually abandoned – last workshop of this kind was held in 1988. Young anthropologists, who are starting their research careers, have decided to create their own space, which will enable them to exchange ideas and help share experiences, knowledge, and doubts. This led to the emergence of the Inter-University Anthropology Conference (MKA), which encouraged the contact between young beginner anthropologists from all centres in Poland. The first MKA was held in Poznan in 2007 and since then it has been organized annually at different academic centres. By analysing the subsequent MKAs we try to trace various ways of conceptualizing and practising anthropology among young academics. We were particularly interested in issues which they chose to study. By looking through the lens of the MKAs, we are considering the specifics of each conference, the topics that they tackled as well as if they are any indications of research themes that are particularly characteristic of young researchers.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Deredas , Alicja Piotrowska


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How To Cite

Anna Deredas, Alicja Piotrowska (2015). The Inter-University Anthropology Conference – Anthropology in the eyes of beginner researchers / Międzyuczelniana Konferencja Antropologiczna – antropologia w oczach młodych adeptów. Etnografia. Praktyki. Teorie. Doświadczenia / Ethnography. Practices, Theories, Experiences, 1(1), -.