The interpretation of the concept of «quality of higher education»: sociology and philosophical reflection


The paper presents various approaches to the definition of «quality of higher education» that exist in the foreign and domestic scientific literature. Particular attention is paid to the analysis objectivist, competence and relativistic approaches to defining the essence of the quality of higher education. Analyzes the quality system of higher education: quality potential of higher education, the quality of the process of higher education and quality results of higher education. The first approach analyzes the quality of higher education on the basis of input parameters and university educational system (professional level of teachers, the level of logistical support, level of knowledge of students in the initial phase of training, etc.) and outputs (rating graduates, job opportunities, etc.). Relativistic approach based on the achievement of learning objectives. It turns out that as far as the level of educational achievements of students meet the planned result in a requirement educational standards. Competence approach aimed at improving the quality of the educational process in the current period. In assessing the quality of higher worlds consider creative cognitive activity of students, the level prevailing in their skills. According to these approaches, quality higher education is characteristic of higher education that reflects institutional compliance with the conditions of educational processes and learning outcomes state educational standards and requirements of the individual and society. From this we can assume that the quality system of higher education is necessary to distinguish three elements: quality potential of higher education, the quality of the process of higher education and quality results of higher education. The quality of the potential of higher education is reflected in characteristics such as the quality of the educational standard of quality educational programs, the quality of material, information and methodological framework, the quality of the teaching staff, the quality of teaching (educational process, educational activities), quality of research, quality of entrants and students quality education and so on. The quality of the process of higher education – is the quality of education, quality of education technology, the use of active learning, control of the educational process, the quality of faculty motivation for creativity and effectiveness of teaching quality ratio of students to teaching, the intensity of the educational process, methods of presentation of knowledge. As noticed in the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», «quality of education – the level of the educational process in higher education that meets the standards of higher education, provides people quality education and promote the creation of new knowledge». Quality of Higher Education describes the result of educational activities, awareness of professionalism, recognition and implementation of individual abilities and characteristics, satisfaction of consumers, employment, careers and salaries, self-mastery methodology as a guarantee application of knowledge and practical skills to benefit from a certified specialist. The Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education» insisting that «the quality of higher education – the level of a person obtained knowledge, skills and other competencies that reflects its competence, in accordance with the standards of higher education». The conditions to ensure the quality of higher education in Ukraine. Effective tool to ensure the quality of higher education in Ukraine serve European and national qualifications framework, including Qualifications Framework European Higher Education Area (LCD EHEA in 2005), the European Qualifications Framework for lifelong learning (YERK NVZH, 2003), the National Qualifications Framework ( NLC 2011) and the implementation of internal and external quality assurance in accordance with the standards and guidelines for quality Assurance in the European higher education area.

Authors and Affiliations

Галина Клімова


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  • EP ID EP184187
  • DOI 10.21564/2075-7190.30.90231
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How To Cite

Галина Клімова (2016). The interpretation of the concept of «quality of higher education»: sociology and philosophical reflection. Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія, 3(30), 34-43.