The Interrelationship Between Adolescent Girl's Physical Development, Biological Puberty and Heart Rhythm Regulation During the Adolescence Period
Journal Title: Antropomotoryka. Journal of Kinesiology and Exercise Sciences - Year 2005, Vol 15, Issue 31
The aim of the work. The objective is to investigate and to evaluate the impact of the puberty level of sameage adolescent girls (belonging to the age group of 13-14 years) on the level of their physical development and autonomous control of the heart rhythm.The material and methods. The research involved 40 participant girls aged 13-14. The level of the girls' biological puberty was distinguished according to their puberty stages by estimating changes of secondary sexual features. Two parameters of physical development were recorded during the research - the height (in cm) and the body mass (in kg). To estimate heart rhythm characteristics, we used the rhythmography method that included distinction of rhythm frequency (RF), rhythm dispersion (RD), absolute values of very low frequency waves (VLFC), low frequency waves (LFC) and high frequency waves (HFC) as well as percentage values of the same waves (NVLFC, NLFC, NHFC) in a lying position at rest. During active orthostatic test, we estimated the maximum increase of rhythm frequency during stand-up (RRB) as well as the amplitude value (ÄRRB). The response of the heart rhythm towards standard physical load was estimated using percentile measurement units of the Ruffier Test.The results. The results indicate that the parameters of both height and body mass were the lowest in the first puberty stage group. The height parameters differ little, and differences in all the groups investigated are statistically unreliable (p0.05). A comparison of the research participants' body mass parameters indicates that the girls belonging to the first group, i.e. the first puberty stage, have lower body mass with statistically relevant results (p0.05) than those belonging to the second and third puberty stage groups. Those from the third puberty stage group have the highest body mass parameters, yet they are not different with enough statistical relevance from the parameters of those belonging to the second group (p0.05).The results also allow us establishing that girls belonging to the group of earlier puberty (group 3) overtake those whose puberty is later (groups 1 and 2) by their physical development parameters, especially, the body mass parameters. It is likely that, despite similar ages of the girls from all the groups, the puberty of group 3 girls, which began earlier, highly activated their metabolism; therefore, their physical development was faster.
Authors and Affiliations
Algis Kepeženas , Gediminas Varoneckas, Audronis Vilkas
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