The interwar Bessarabian problem in the post-communist Romanian and Moldavian historiographies

Journal Title: Codrul Cosminului - Year 2014, Vol 20, Issue 2


The author describes and analyzes the Romanian and Moldavian historians’ opin-ions relative to the interwar Bessarabia problems that appeared in scientific publications of the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries. The article shows that in the histori-ography of Romania, during 1918, the decisions taken by the State Council of Bessarabia represented the result of a democratic and plebiscitary exercise, while the events of 1940 are interpreted solely in terms of territorial losses. The Soviet Union is almost unanimously presented as an aggressor, an expansionist state, which occupied "the ancestral Romanian province of Bessarabia". According to the historiography of Moldova, there are two points of view on these subjects. Some Moldavian historians embrace similar approaches or con-cepts, close to those of historians from Romania, while some other confute them, focusing on the negative effects of the Romanian administration in the interwar Bessarabia.

Authors and Affiliations

Сергей Назария


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How To Cite

Сергей Назария (2014). The interwar Bessarabian problem in the post-communist Romanian and Moldavian historiographies. Codrul Cosminului, 20(2), 359-374.