The involvement of RCAS1 in creating a suppressive tumor microenvironment in patients with pharyngeal squamous celt carcinoma
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 0
SUMMARY Introduction: Tumor microenvironment makes up the stroma of the neoplasm and is the tissue that determines the growth and progression of the tumor and its ability to create metastases. The aim of the present study: has been to evaluate the potential role of RCAS1 protein in creating the suppressive tumor microenvironment in pharyngeal squamous celt carcinomas. The immunoreactivity of RCAS1, CD3, CD25, CD68, CD69 and Foxp3 was assessed in the tissue samples of the tumor, in tumor microenvironment and in the reference samples of palatine tonsils in chronic inflammation. Results: A statistically significantly higher RCAS1 antigen immunoreactivity was identified in pharyngeal cancer samples than in the stromal samples, the presence of RCAS1 positive macrophages infiltrating the tumor and its stroma was also noticed. The statistically significantly higher RCAS1 antigen immunoreactivity level was identified in the pharyngeal cancer samples in patients with the presence of Iymph node metastases in comparison to patients without metastases. The infiltration of CD68 positive cells (macrophages) was significantly higher in the stromal tissue samples than in cancer samples and it was in both, the tumor and the stroma, significantly higher in patients with the presence of lymph node metastases than in patients without metastases. Additionally the presence of CD3 positive TILs was noticed in the tissue of the tumor and in its stroma, the cells were activated, typified by CD69 immunoreactivity which was higher than in the reference samples, and impaired cytotoxicity with low CD25 antigen immunoreactivity. This observation confirmed the presence of selective immune suppression within the tumor and the stroma. Conclusion: RCAS1, an active factor secreted by the tumor and present in its stroma may play an important role in the phenomenon of tumor escape from host immunological surveillance and in creating the immune tolerance for the tumor cells, as well as in the tumor microenvironment remodeling with creating its suppressive profile enabling the further tumor growth and metastases.
Authors and Affiliations
Magdalena Dutsch-Wicherek, Wiesława Windorbska, Wojciech Jóźwicki, Henryk Kaźmierczak
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