The Justice Condition in Hadith and the Justice Issue of the Companions in the Shia’a

Journal Title: Mütefekkir - Year 2015, Vol 2, Issue 3


The dictionary meaning of justice is based on truth and honesty. Reliability of the narrator is a condition in the Hadith.The Hadith metodologists discussed five conditions for that justice that are 1- the lie of narrator, 2- accusing the narrator of being a lair, 3- sinfulness of narrator, 4-people who creat Beda’a (بدعة)in religion, 5- and being ignorant.With these statements they accepted that a person's justice is related to these conditions. These conditions are necessary for all the narrators except the Companions. Sunni scholars have considered all the companions as reliable, that’s why, they don’t criticize them.Shia agrees with Sunni scholars on the definition of the companion, however, they think differently about their justice. Although there are some differences between them, they went on to criticize many of the Companions for different reasons. They even go further and accuse some of the Companions of being disbelievers.In this study, we will examine the evidence of the Shia and the appeals of Ahl al-Sunnah. That ‘s why we carry out this assessment.

Authors and Affiliations

Harun Reşit DEMİREL


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  • EP ID EP617071
  • DOI 10.30523/mutefekkir.130248
  • Views 148
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How To Cite

Harun Reşit DEMİREL (2015). The Justice Condition in Hadith and the Justice Issue of the Companions in the Shia’a. Mütefekkir, 2(3), 41-76.