The «KANBAN» system in the higher legal education (the analogy of the Toyota’s car corporation work and experience)


Nowadays Ukraine is in the process of an active reformation in the higher legal education. In our democratic society the higher legal education cannot use the methodic which was possessed as main in the Soviet Union at all. It is vital to find and offer new methodological concepts. The new Ukrainian law named «About higher education» passed in 2014 also contributes in this process. The main innovation which is suggested by this law is that universities practically get almost the whole autonomy in our educational system. Taking into consideration these innovations, the author of the article suggests implementing in the higher legal education Toyota’s experience gained from «KANBAN» system. This system made «Toyota» the leader in the car engineering. In author’s opinion, some of the «Toyota’s» methods can help in the reformation of the Ukrainian educational system. Today the labour-market is overfilled with the lawyers that’s why the author suggests starting not from entering the university but from a whole and clear monitoring (qualitative and quantitative) of the legal as well as the state and economic spheres. Such a monitoring must be carried by universities themselves and the result must reflect the precise need in lawyers of different specialties or the «exterior KANBAN». On the base of the «exterior KANBAN» universities form their «interior KANBAN». It should exist for 3–5 year university students (first and second year students should study general legal disciplines). Such a system includes the creation of mobile educational programs which will change according to the «exterior KANBAN». A student should form his educational process him/herself based on the legal preferences. Each student should also have the Specification of his/her specialty (the content of the specialty) and the Plan of the educational reorientation (helps to indicate which subjects are the base of studying new ones). The Specification and the Plan should also help students to choose their specialty. Such a mobility will help to prepare relevant specialists. The «exterior KANBAN» will provide the reorientation of the scientific researches into new and important themes and directions. In law it can be legal base of the ersatz maternity, IT-law etc. The author believes that Toyota’s experience will help our higher legal educational system to solve the problem of overfilling the labour-market with the irrelevant lawyers and the system itself will become the sample for the whole educational system in Ukraine

Authors and Affiliations

Володимин Анатолійович Трофименко


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  • EP ID EP185518
  • DOI 10.21564/2075-7190.29.70986
  • Views 97
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How To Cite

Володимин Анатолійович Трофименко (2016). The «KANBAN» system in the higher legal education (the analogy of the Toyota’s car corporation work and experience). Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія, 2(29), 174-179.